Usually when we analyze HRV data, we are only interested in computing statistics for certain parts of the HRV time series. Usually a raw ECG file will have an additional channel that outputs a small electrical charge when certain events are happening. This is done in order to denote which parts of the sequence are important for analysis.


make_events('sub1101.RDS', 'data/hrv_tutorial')

If we examine the source code for the make_events() function, we can see that there are a few things we can tweak, if need be:

make_events <- function(file, path){
  wd <- getwd()
  name <- sub("*.RDS", "", file)
  events <- readRDS(file)[c(1,3)]
  # Set value variable
  #colnames(events)[1] <- "Value"
  # Make InitTime variable
  op <- options(digits.secs=3)
  #events$InitTime <- format( (as.POSIXct(Sys.Date())+events$`Time(ms)`/1000)-72000, "%H:%M:%OS")
  events$InitTime <- events$time
  # Make type variable
  values <- unique(events$trigger)
  condition <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(values)){
    condition[[i]] <- paste0('event_type_', values[[i]])
  duration <- rep(10, length(values))
  match <-, condition, duration)
  events$Type1 <- match(events$trigger,match$values)
  events$Type <- match[events$Type1,2]
  events$Duration <- match[events$Type1,3]
  # Reorder and save
  # events <- events[c(3,5,6,1,2,4)]
  # events <- events[,c(-5,-6)]
  events <- events[complete.cases(events$Type),]
  events <- events[!rev(duplicated(rev(events$Type))),]
  InitTime <- events$InitTime
  Type <- events$Type
  Duration <- events$Duration
  Value <- events$trigger
 episodes <- list(InitTime=InitTime,Type=Type,Duration=Duration,Value=Value)
 save(episodes, file = paste0(name,"_trigger.RData"))
  # Clean up
  rm(list = ls())

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